Characters from the "Present" Story in Tenjo Tenge

This is a list of Characters that have appeared in Tenjyou Tenge in the process of my translation. Any comments should be sent to

Covers Volume 1 - 4. These are characters from the "present".
Yawaraken GroupNatsume MayaThe leader of the Natsume family, and the Yawaraken martial arts group. Usually is a small girl, but changes into this larger form for fighting...
Takayanagi MasatakaThe other 3rd year student in the Yawaraken martial arts group, along with Natsume Maya. Likes Natsume Aya, who is oblivoius to him...
Natsume AyaNatsume Maya's younger sister, in love with Nagi Souichirou, who does not seem to have an interest in her...
Nagi SouichirouThe one who is "supposed to be the main character". Actually has the most dialouge up through the first four chapters, so maybe he is. I need a better pictures. Bonus points for those who know why he's freaked out in this picture.
Bob MakiharaOne the new first year students, Nagi's partner-in-crime. Speaks in English sometimes.
(None)ChiakiBob's girlfriend.
Enforcement GroupRyuzaki TsutomuA 3rd year student. You'll see more of him...
Sagara-san AKA "Saga Mask"Someone high in the power structure (but not the leader) of the Enforcement group.
Isuzu EmiWorking with the President of the enforcement group...
TagamiHe stutters, and fears the potential of Natsume Aya... He's one of the leaders of the Enforcement Group.
Takayanagi MitsuomiTakayanagi Masataki's older brother, leader of the Enforcement Group. Shows up in Vol. 3.
Kagurazaka Kagurazawa. S/he? ranks a bit lower than Tagami, Sagara, and Emily. That's all we know so far... I honestly can't tell if s/he is a man or a woman.
Tawara BunshichiTawara Bunshichi, the so-called "Old Man".He's an adviser to the Enforcement Group.
3rd Kendou GroupKanekitaKanekitaHe's a Kendou student in the 3rd Kendou club. Their "Great Hope". Questions? Comments? Mail to
Last modified: Sun Dec 08 14:43:26 Eastern Standard Time 2002